"Helping"Daddy decorate the Christmas Tree
"Ooohhhh look at the pretty lights"
Giving Rocky a treat for the first time...this was fun! Just look at her face and you will get a glimse of the cuteness...but nothing like watching this in person.
"Helping"Daddy decorate the Christmas Tree
"Ooohhhh look at the pretty lights"
Giving Rocky a treat for the first time...this was fun! Just look at her face and you will get a glimse of the cuteness...but nothing like watching this in person.
"Everyone is Thankful for me!"...very appropriate for this Thanksgiving!
She LOVES the exersaucer!!
She has discovered the shiny sink faucet and it has become a bathtime toy.
She already wants to feed herself...independent you think??? I have no idea where she got that from? ;)
Mommy and baby are geared up and ready to go!
Enjoying a picnic outside...the weather was absolutely GORGEOUS!!!
The stroller was perfect! Not only did it hold all of our stuff while walking around, it was a portable napping spot for the munchkin while we continued to stroll around.