Saturday, September 12, 2009

Beach Baby!

Since Charley has proven herself to be the absolute best baby ever, we decided to push our limits and attempt to take her on a 6 hour road trip to the beach at 10 weeks. So we hopped in the car at about 6:00 on a Thursday night and headed to Pawleys Island to see our friends Erik and Lindsey who recently moved there in May. We had soooo much fun introducing Charley to all the new sights and sounds of the beach. Although she HATED the water, I think she really seemed to enjoy everything else. We will definitley be going back soon! See all the pics below and enjoy!

We slept in late on Friday morning and went and found a good place that served breakfast all day. This is what we found and it was so Yummy!!

Right inside the restaurant, they had this sign that read "where are you yolks from?". There was a push pin to represent all of the places where people had come from to eat at Eggs up Grill.

Since Covington was clearly covered in representation, we thought that Hawkinsville needed some attention. If you look closely, you can see the green pin in the middle on Hawkinsville.

The first patron from Hawkinsville! Yes, I am fairly certain that our own child thinks we are pretty cheesy!

Erik getting to hold Charley for the first time since he came to visit her in the hospital when she was born. She has grown quite a bit since the last time she has seen him.

Friday afternoon, our first venture out on the beach. We just went to take a little walk this time, no bathing suits until tomorrow.

Charley's first time getting her little toes wet in the water....she was not too sure about this.

She was just as content with us pushing her around in the stroller down the beach...who wouldn't love that?!

And she's out! We dug her a little sand cradle and put a towel in it and she slept there for quite a while in the breeze.

Saturday morning, Daddy and Charley sleeping in the couch so mommy could actually get some much needed rest in the bed. Are they cute or what???

Beach day! We took her tent and tucked her in a little corner and let the breeze flow through the tent and she and Rocky were as content as they could be.

Brother and Sister! :)

We decided that since we took the time to put her bathing suit on, we might as well give her a quick dip in the water just for the record.

And the verdict: She HATED it!!!! I think the water was just a little too cool for her...maybe next summer.

"Daddy, I am so mad at you for putting me in that water, I am not even going to look at you!"

After church on Sunday, we went back down to the beach to actually try and get some pictures. The wind was blowing soooo hard that day, and Charley was not very happy, so this is what we got. Again, maybe next summer. Sorry this one is sideways, I couldn't figure out how to move it.

Family! :)
Sweet Daddy!

On the way home, we read some books (Goodnight moon is her favorite!)

After reading books, this is what she did for the rest of the ride. Again, she is the best baby in the world! She handled the 6 hour car ride better than mommy did!

Monday, August 31, 2009

2 month update!

Can you believe that our sweet little one is already 2 months old!?!? Crazy how the time flies! We took her in for her 2 month well baby check up and the dreaded first round of shots. Yikes! Mommy was not excited about this visit at all.

As it turned out, Charley did absolutely wonderful with the shots, but Mommy had a little melt down as they were being administered, I just couldn't take it. But all is well. She is up to 10lbs, 14 oz. and 23 inches long. That puts her in the 50th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for length. What's so funny is she was only in the 10th percentile for length when she was born, so maybe she won't be as short as we originally expected. Everything checked out beautifully and she didn't have any side effects from the shots. Praise God!!

See below for some random pictures that we took during the past week around the 2 month mark.

Finally...everyone is asleep and mommy can get some things done! Better hurry, one of the three of them is bound to wake up soon!

These pictures are actually in the wrong order. Recently we discovered some interaction between Charley and Rocky that actually involved physical contact. This is a close up to prove that it really happened. :)

Rocky is not really sure about this new relationship.

I'm gettin outta here!

Before now I don't think Charley or Rocky knew that the other one even existed.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could all wake up this happy? I took the camera in one morning when I went to wake her up to get some shots of her laughing and smiling in action. This is her actually laughing.

There's that smile! :)

Going for a walk with mommy...doesn't she look like such a big girl in that stroller ?
Promise to be better with the updates. Yall come visit us!!

Visits from the Grandparents!

Since our little one has come into the world, we have found that it doesn't take much to get some visitors to come to our house. In the past two weekends we had both Papa and Nana (my Dad and Sandra) and Ganny (my mom) come up for weekend visits. We decided that this is almost easier than going to Hawkinsville and trying to get around to everyone all in one weekend. See below for some of the shots we took while they were here.

Charley getting to know her Papa....yes, he is crazy, get used to it baby...Mommy has lived with it all her life ;)

Playing with Papa

Charley checking out her Nana....thinking are you really married to that crazy man!?! :)

Charley and her Ganny hanging out.

Talking to Ganny!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

What a difference 6 weeks makes!

Wow! Mommy almost cried today because I finally had to break down and put up all of Charley's newborn clothes. She grew out of them about a week ago, but bad mommy has continued to stuff her in them hoping it would stop her luck. So we are officially wearing 3 month clothes. are not going're right....she isn't even 2 months old and is wearing 3 month sizes.....that's what I said too!

Yes, our little munchkin is growing like a weed. At her last Dr. visit about a week and half ago, she was 9 lbs, 2 she is more than likely over 10 lbs. now based on her growth rate over the past 5 weeks. Although this makes mommy sad, it is actually very good considering the fact that we have discovered that she has a severe case of acid reflux. We took her to the Children's Hospital of Atlanta this past Friday to confirm for sure. She handles it like a champ and it really doesn't seem to bother her too much at all. So we praise God for that blessing. We also pray that she will soon grow out of it. But other than that, she has a perfect bill of health.

Below are two pictures of her in the same outfit. The one at the bottom is the day we brought her home, while the one at the top was from church this past Sunday. Robert and I both knew she had obviously grown, but it is just amazing the perspective you get when you see her in the same outfit....she grew legs!!! :)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Taking Charley to Jesus' House!!

Yes, we were nervous, but what better place to take our child than the House of the Lord? We took Charley to church this morning for the first time and it was such a blessing. Not only was everyone so ready to see her, they all gave us such a warm welcome back as well. After we got her settled in the nursery, we walked into the Sactuary and all of a sudden we heard all of the youth in the balcony shouting "Robert and Courtney!!" It brought tears to my eyes, and I realized that we really do have the most amazing church family!!

She did wonderful! It does help that we have the most fabulous nursery workers you could ask for :) She slept most of the time and made it a very easy transistion for mommy and daddy. As nervous as we were (almost to the point of dreading it a little), I'm so glad we did it and we are already excited about next Sunday!

So,we didn't even think about taking pictures until after we had finished eating lunch. We went back to the church and had to figure out how to take the pictures ourselves. The camera was actually sitting on top of the car here....this was about the best we could do.

Did I mention that she slept the entire time :)

Photo Shoot by a proud Mommy :)

I have been getting a little better at getting some things checked off of my to-do list during maternity leave, one of which is getting birth announcements ordered. But before I do that, I needed some pictures to put on the announcement. So please forgive me for spoiling the surprise, but below are some of the pictures (which I must say, I am pretty proud of, given our very average quality camera and the fact that mommy has never really had a lot of experience editing pictures before) that will be on the birth annoucement that you all will receive. The last two pictures of Charley and her daddy will not be on the announcement, but will be in a frame at home.

LOVE it!!! So sweet!!
We all know that mommy is obsessed with her toes!

Does it get any sweeter than this. Look at both of their faces.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Rub a dub dub...I LOVE the tub!

With each and every day that passes, we are learning more and more about our baby girl. It didn't take us long to figure out that next to eating, Charley's favorite thing to do is take a bath. She, like most babies, just loves it the minute you put her in the warm water. Unfortunatley, the second you take her out, it's screaming bloody murder until we get her all dressed and warm again.
Regardless, bathtime has become one of our favorite times as a family. It is so much fun for Robert and I to just sit and watch all of her funny faces and reactions to the water.

Clean my ears good Daddy! Robert was making "monkey noises" while cleaning behind her ears and Mommy was just cracking up.

Hilarious! She loves the spray setting on the faucet. Tonight we actually got some videos of her trying to eat the water when we got it close to her funny!

Yea....we soaked her. Just wanted to see how she would react.