Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Rub a dub dub...I LOVE the tub!

With each and every day that passes, we are learning more and more about our baby girl. It didn't take us long to figure out that next to eating, Charley's favorite thing to do is take a bath. She, like most babies, just loves it the minute you put her in the warm water. Unfortunatley, the second you take her out, it's screaming bloody murder until we get her all dressed and warm again.
Regardless, bathtime has become one of our favorite times as a family. It is so much fun for Robert and I to just sit and watch all of her funny faces and reactions to the water.

Clean my ears good Daddy! Robert was making "monkey noises" while cleaning behind her ears and Mommy was just cracking up.

Hilarious! She loves the spray setting on the faucet. Tonight we actually got some videos of her trying to eat the water when we got it close to her funny!

Yea....we soaked her. Just wanted to see how she would react.


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