Monday, July 13, 2009

Week One at Home...Success!

We survived the first week at home with our baby girl! In all seriousness, we really can't complain too much, she is a really good baby. The very first night at home was a little rough, but she slept for 4 straight hours on just the second night and has done that on a pretty regular basis since then.
We are still learning and getting to know each other as a family, but it has been a lot of fun. See below for some pictures of the first week.

I know, I know, I was just ranting on what a good baby she is and this is the first picture :) This was her first bath at home and as you can see, she LOVED it! Unfortunately, we had to give her sponge baths for the first 2 weeks until her little stump on her belly button fell off. The problem with sponge baths is they tend to get cold after the first 30 seconds. We have now started real baths and she really does seem to like those.

Feeling much happier in Daddy's arms all wrapped up in the towel.

First trip to the pediatrician. Everything checked out perfectly. She had already gained back up to her birth weight at 5 days old, which the pediatrician was very happy about.

Hanging out with Nanny!

Will, Allison and Sam came to visit. Sam is about 4 weeks older than Charley, and far outweighs her. It was kind of funny to put the two of them together.

Soooo funny, these two are going to be buddies one day!

Mimi and Pop, Uncle Michael, Aunt Stephanie and Cousins Ella Claire and Tate came over for dinner one night. Ella Claire was so excited to get to hold her baby cousin for the first time since the hospital didn't allow visitors under the age of 12. She was too cute playing with baby Charley.

Mimi and Pop enjoying their grand baby.

Pop and Charley getting to know each other.

"Aunt Audrey" came to visit...Yay!!! She also brought us a pink rose bush that we planted outside just for sweet!

Preacher Julie! She was so excited to get to see Baby Charley for the first time. I think Charley liked her a lot! :)

"Aunt Meredith"!

Charley having some "Tummy time" in the rainforest. Sooo funny!! Notice the giraffe that Daddy has in the picture on the left and Rocky trying to get his face in the shot at the top.

Stretch to Mr. Giraffe! The sad thing is very soon, she will be big enough to reach up and grab that Giraffe anytime she wants to.
That about wraps up our first week at home. Will post pictures from her first July 4th celebration along with week two shortly!

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