Monday, June 22, 2009

Now we just need baby and we will be complete!

I think we have finally gotten everything ready and in place for this baby to arrive. We have baby stuff hidden away in every single room in the house. It is amazing how much stuff you need for such a small person! Here are some pictures of the nursery as it is now and some other baby stuff in the house. We can't wait to finally have some pictures with our baby girl using some of these things very soon!

Swing and bouncy seat in the living room. We also have another swing in the nursery and another bouncy seat that will more than likely wind up in our bathroom to use while mommy is taking a shower.

Here's the view of the nursery from the door. Obviously the car seat will be out of there, but for now that is it's home.

Love the letters! Daddy and Nana (Sandra) did a great job with them while mommy and Papa patiently watched and took pictures :)

I have a feeling mommy and daddy will be spending a lot of time here in this chair holding and rocking baby.

Changing table all set up with diapers, wipes and cream in the box.

Here's the other swing. We might move it to our bedroom if we decide that it is more efficient there, but for now this place works. And the diaper cake will eventually be taken apart and used since there are only 163 newborn diapers in there! Absolutely cannot let all of those go to waste!

This is actually a diaper wreath that my mom had a friend make . It is soooo cute. We probaby won't actually use the diapers on this one and just let it hang for decoration for a little while.

All of her cute stuffed animals inside the crib. Obviously these things will be removed once she starts sleeping in there.

This is right above the rocking chair in the corner. These are more pictures of Robert and I as babies. Both of us were right around 10 months old here.

We saw this plate in a store last week and absolutely could not live without it! It was perfect for our sweet girl. In case you can't read it, it it says "For this child we prayed....1 Samuel 1:27" For those of you who know our story know that her room would not be complete without this on the wall.

This is all of her stuff that has been sitting in the dining room just like this for the past 3 weeks, ready to go to the hospital at any time. And it is still sitting there, (with the exception of the car seat, which Daddy has already put in the truck). The pink bow on the left is actually at our neighbor's house now. They are responsible for putting it on our mailbox as soon as she arrives in the world. The outfit in the middle is what we will bring her home in. And yes, that is two diaper bags that you see, both of which are full. Always have to be prepared for anything! :)

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